The first meeting of the Kennekuk Road Runners (KRR) was held at Kennekuk Cove County Park in February 1977 in a small two-room brown building that was considered the visitor center. Eight people showed up on a cold winter evening for that first meeting.
KRR sponsors six major events each year plus numerous members-only events, events for walkers, summer fun runs, group runs, and much more.
We love to have fun, but we also give back to the community. KRR donates money every year to local organizations and charities such as the Vermilion County Conservation District, YMCA, and the Humane Society.
KRR is not just a local club. Only 30 percent of our membership lives within 30 miles of Danville. Our members hail from Indianapolis, Charleston, St. Louis, Chicago, Peoria, Champaign, Urbana, Decatur, Bloomington, Normal, Quad-Cities, and other states.
We have fast runners, mid-packers, slow runners, and walkers, but we treat them equally. Our members and the dedicated core of volunteer workers are the reason Kennekuk is such an outstanding organization.
We look forward to many more years of KRR and its love affair with running and having fun.